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Rachel Leombruno
Spanish Teacher
Victoria Leroux
English Teacher
Catherine Lineback
Special Education Teacher
Christine Macchi
School Counselor
Colleen McCoy
Computer Lab Aide Teacher
Rena Martiniano
Math AIS
Samantha Melucci
Social Studies Teacher
Maureen Miller
Special Education Teacher
Brian Mockry
School Counselor
April Nedwell
AIS ELA Teacher
Kenneth M. Passaretti
Steve Philo
English Teacher
Mary E. Ponda
Physical Education/Health Teacher
Michele Ramsey
Spanish Teacher
Sara Rheaume
Grade 6 Teacher
Melissa Rivers
Special Education Teacher
Lana Ross-Hills
Special Education Teacher
Eustacia Sander
Special Education Teacher
Michelle Shephard
Special Education Teacher
Jessica Simon, R.N.
School Nurse