Bulldog attributes

What Makes an SGF Bulldog?


Adaptable Problem Solver


Critical Thinker


Collaborative Learner


Responsible Citizens


Empathetic Influencer


Creative Innovator


Mike Davies stands next to a shelf filled with books

"He made my time at South High so memorable, and I will never forget the days where he put a smile on my face when I was having a bad day. Thank you Mr. Davies for always being so supportive and just an overall wonderful person."

Patrick Cronin is shown on a gold background

" If something is happening in a students life he is always there for them. He always gives out high fives to his students - and kids that are not his students either. Patrick Cronin is a good human all around. "

Ashley Burke is show on a gold background

"I have been nothing short of amazed at how hard she works to help all of her students feel successful and loved while in her care."

Lisa Delisle is shown on  a gold background

"Whether it was school support, email, text, or before-school phone calls, Lisa was always there for guidance and, most of all, support. She really treats your child like they are her own. "

- Author Name

Sue Lippy stands in front of a red Ballard Elementary pennant.

"Her students love her and know they can count on her no matter what. "

Amy Noonan has really worked hard to offer a variety of new opportunities for students and to reinforce existing opportunities that may have faded during pandemic life, and she deserves to be recognized.

"Amy Noonan has really worked hard to offer a variety of new opportunities for students and to reinforce existing opportunities that may have faded during pandemic life, and she deserves to be recognized."

Andy Rich, wearing a blue SGF uniform, stands in front of a white wall.

"No matter what we need/ask, Andy is never flustered."

Laurie Alden is shown in a selfie

"Ms. Alden goes above and beyond every day at Harrison to make sure each child knows how important they are, and develops a love of reading in them all."

Brett Bolesh writes on a whiteboard

"Mr. Bolesh's 'coffee space' is a place where kids feel valued, important, and, most of all, have a sense of belonging."

Maria Jennings | Pamela Gonyea | Friedrich Strassburg stand in an office

"Pam, Fred and Maria make it happen, and often unbeknownst to most of us."

Bristie Tracy sits in her car facing the camera

"The students are lucky to have such an amazing, caring Nurse overlooking them, and the staff are even luckier that we have her never ending support and knowledge."