The 48th annual South High Marathon Dance, held at the South Glens Falls High School from Feb. 28 - March 1, 2025, has once again raised a substantial amount of money for local families and charities.
The total amount — $700,528.31 — was announced during the marathon’s closing ceremony on Saturday, March 1. The funds raised from this year’s event are the result of months of hard work, fundraising efforts, and the much-anticipated dance. These funds will benefit 34 recipients, representing both individuals and organizations from South Glens Falls and surrounding areas.
“The South High Marathon Dance unites our community to celebrate the dedication and hard work of our students, staff, and volunteers. Our students’ exceptional fundraising success showcases their incredible dedication and community spirit, making a profound impact on those in need,” said Superintendent of Schools Kristine Orr. “This extraordinary accomplishment by our Bulldog community highlights the exceptional spirit and unity of SGF. Go Bulldogs!”
The top student fundraisers this year raised a combined total of $21,593.80. Our top fundraisers for the year were:
Aiden Osborn - $10,835.34
William Lewis - $5,530.06
Parker Simon- $5,228.40
The 2025 Dick Stewart Award was given to Addisyn Buckley and Nolan Jacox. Our 2025 Spirit Award Winners are:
Freshman: Kevin Hagadorn
Sophomore: Aiden Osborn
Junior: Lucy Pliscofsky and Cobi Walter
Seniors: Jack Marry and Katherine Morris
“Over the course of the last 28 hours, people have been asking me ‘So what do you think about Marathon?’ Each time I was asked, I felt that I kept adding to my thoughts and feelings. I would say though that this event can elicit many emotions, but the one I feel is hope,” said South High Principal Nicky Bogert, who is overseeing her first Marathon Dance after joining the administrative team this school year. “Together, you can create change, you can uplift lives, and have an impact on something that is so much larger than just yourself. No one can really understand how much this event means to the students and community until you have experienced it.”
In addition to the student fundraisers, numerous local businesses held fundraisers for the community, which added thousands to the total amount raised.
Throughout all of the fun that is had, our dancers never forget the reason they are there.
“The Marathon Dance is a reminder to everyone of how important it is to look out for each other in the world that we live in,” said student chair member Ethan Lyons. “At the end of the day, it doesn’t just come down to what you give people enduring hardship, it’s also about how you make them feel. We remember how people treat us, and that’s why this dance is so successful. The South High Marathon Dance offers support and a bright light in the lives of people who are in need.”
This year’s recipients are:
Edward & Karen Ball
Cheyenne Bishop
Lenna Braunius
Carrie Duell
Doug Hall
Gideon Holton
Christopher Johnson
Charlene Lamb
Mike Leonard
Emmie Phelps
Mason Queary
Jamie Smith
Jasiah West
Alzheimer’s Association of NENY
Food For Thought
Glens Falls Hospital Foundation
Goodness Strong Foundation
Joy US Foundation
Kelly’s Angels, Inc.
Moreau Community Center
Open Door Mission
Operation Adopt A Soldier
Operation At Ease Inc.
Rebuilding Together Saratoga County
Sleep In Heavenly Peace (Mechanicville Chapter)
Southern Adirondack Independent Living
Steps for Stroke
Veterans & Community Housing Coalition
Veterans Miracle Center
WAIT House
Wilton Wildlife Preserve & Park
The dance itself, which was again live-streamed at, began in 1978. The event has progressed from a small dance in the high school gym to a major event that brings the entire community together. Throughout the history of the dance, the students and community have raised more than $10 million.