The South Glens Falls School District provides appropriate educational opportunities for those students with disabilities as determined by the district Committee on Special Education. The goals and objectives, accommodations and recommended services are designed to meet the individual needs of these students and are identified in their Individualized Education Program (IEP).

Depending upon the identified needs of the student, special education programs may include: integrated co-teaching, consultant teacher resource room, 15:1, 12:1:1 special classes or declassification services.

It is important to note in order to earn an Advanced Regents, Regents or local diploma, all special education students must meet the state’s graduation requirements. Please see page four of this Academic Program Guide for more details.


This service provides direct services for a minimum of two hours each week. The special education teacher will provide direct services to a student with a disability in the student’s regular education classes.


This service is provided outside of the general education program. Each student with a disability requiring only resource room will receive 180 minutes of instruction per week in this program. This service is appropriate for students demonstrating a disability in Executive Functioning skills.


This program provides instruction to students who receive special education services in a self contained setting with a certified Special Education Teacher. These classes are composed of students with disabilities with similar needs who are pursuing a local or Regents diploma.


This program provides services to students with similar disabilities who require instruction in functional reading, writing and math. An internship component is included in grades 11-12. Students in this program are fulfilling requirements to earn a Skills and Achievement Commencement Credential.

8:1:2 Social-Emotional Classrooms

  • Curriculum delivery consists of small-group, targeted instruction based on the Learning Standards, provided at a modified pace with built-in opportunities for repetition and practice of skills. Instruction is intensive and individualized.

  • Students may be mainstreamed for core academic instruction based upon individual strengths. Students should be mainstreamed for all electives/specials. Ongoing assessment is conducted to determine readiness for mainstreaming in general education.

  • Related services are provided as indicated on the student's IEP.

  • Psychological Counseling Services which includes an annual Social Skills Improvement System (SSIS) screening.

  • Students benefit from frequent presets and changes in activities.

Before Starting School: Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE)

If your child is not yet school age, you may be eligible to receive special education services through the South Glens Falls Central School District. The district’s Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE) is responsible for ensuring that parents are aware of the opportunities available for evaluation of children 3 through 5 years old who are suspected of having a disability, and for services to preschool children with disabilities. The committee consists of representatives from preschool special education agencies, county administrators, parents and the CPSE chairperson. If you have concerns about your child’s development, or would like more information, call 518-793-9702.

CPSE Online Pre-Registration Form
Please call 518-793-9702 for more information about the CPSE process. Do not go to your child’s school to register.

School Age Special Education: Committee on Special Education (CSE)

A Guide to Special Education for Children Transitioning from Preschool Special Education

The Special Education Department in South Glens Falls works to ensure that students with disabilities (ages 5 – 21) are provided with special education services in the least restrictive environment with access to the general education curriculum. The District offers a variety of special education programs and supports along the continuum of services. Programs and services provided by the district may vary year to year based on the needs of the current district population.

The district offers inclusive services along with special class programs. Not all services are available in all buildings. Specialized programs are located at specific elementary schools. Please review the continuum of services for a description of services and information on program locations. If the district CSE determines that the District does not have an appropriate program for a particular student then an outside provider, such as our Regional BOCES may be contracted, and the student would attend a program outside of the district.

Making the Transition to Life after High School

Students with disabilities are supported in educational programs until they either achieve a credential (High School Diploma or General Equivalency Diploma) or reach the age of 21.

There are various agencies and services that support students with disabilities after they leave high school. The services you would access all depend on the individual needs of the student as well as their personal post-secondary goals. Services can range from assistance with pursuing college courses to supported employment.

Below you will find links to many of the agencies that provide services to this population. If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact your child’s Case Manager or Guidance Counselor at the High School (518-792-9987) or the Director of Special Education (518-793-9702).

Special Information for SGF Students who are Parentally Placed in a Private School

If you have chosen to enroll your child in a private school (For example, St. Mary’s/St. Alphonsus, St. Clements or the Waldorf School) and you suspect he or she may have a disability you need to work with your child’s school, along with the CSE of the district that private school is located in, to pursue any possible eligibility for services. For example – St. Mary’s/St. Alphonsus school is located in Glens Falls so the Glens Falls CSE is responsible for any special education supports for that school. St. Clements is in Saratoga Springs so that school district’s CSE covers the students attending St. Clements.

If your child is found eligible for classification and an IEP is developed, the CSE of the district of location will arrange for those services. However, as a resident of our district, South Glens Falls will be billed and be responsible for payment for the services your child receives.

If you have any questions or concerns about the different regulations for privately placed students, you are welcome to contact Director of Special Education Jessica Spellburg at 518-793-9702.

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Jessica Spellburg
Director of Special Education

Roseanne McGough
Assistant Director of Special Education

Kami Storrs
CSE Secretary

Joy Clark
CPSE Secretary

42 Merritt Road, Suite 1
South Glens Falls, NY 12803
Fax 518-704-4961
