It’s time for the South Glens Falls Central School District 2025-26 kindergarten class registration! Kindergarten marks the beginning of at least 13 years of formal schooling for most children, and I am sure you have been working earnestly to prepare for your child’s school entrance. Together, we will be working toward a common goal – the fullest possible physical, social, emotional and intellectual development of your child.

All district children born on or before Dec. 1, 2020, are eligible to register and be screened for Sept. 2025 kindergarten admission.

Although all children entering kindergarten this fall must be at least five years of age by Dec. 1, 2025, you may elect to delay entrance of your child into kindergarten until six years of age. Regardless of entrance age, developmental ages vary considerably. For example, a five-year-old child may be as physically developed as an average six-year-old, and have the mental and language skills of a typical eight-year-old. Early awareness of these differences can help us plan your child’s education, taking full advantage of strengths and helping to overcome or minimize weaknesses. Through screening and careful follow-up, we hope to set the stage for your child’s future learning and overall development.

Kindergarten pre-registration must be completed online. (If your child attends UPK through the South Glens Falls Central School District you do not need to complete this step.)

Click here to complete kindergarten pre-registration.

What happens once I complete pre-registration?

  1. Once you pre-register online (click here to complete kindergarten pre-registration), you will receive a packet of additional forms in the mail to complete. Packets will be mailed beginning in February. These forms will be returned to the district. See additional registration requirements below.

  2. Kindergarten screening dates for 2025-26 will be held  in March 2025. 

  3. Dates and times for kindergarten are not yet set but the district will have ongoing communications with families once paperwork is received.

  4. You will receive a letter in August outlining your child’s school placement and teacher name.

  5. Parents/guardians will be invited to attend a Kindergarten Orientation at the school prior to the beginning of the school year.

Registration Requirements

New York State education law requires that the following documents be presented for registration:

  1. Valid photo ID of parent/guardian in the form of a driver’s license, non-driver’s ID or original passport.

  2. Original documentation of birth, in the form of an original birth certificate, or passport. If not available, acceptable documentation includes: official driver’s license, state or other government issued identification, school photo ID with date of birth, consulate identification card, hospital or health records, military dependent identification card, documents issued by federal, state or local agencies, court orders or other court-issued documents, Native American tribal documents, or records from non-profit international aid agencies and volunteer agencies.

  3. Official immunization record and current physical.

  4. Student’s current IEP if applicable.

  5. Custody paperwork if applicable. If the student is not the biological child, documents must be presented which proves a permanent and total transfer of custody.

  6. The complete name and address of the student’s previous school. Parent/guardians in possession of academic or medical records should present them at the time of registration.

  7. Two proof of residency documents are required. These documents must include the name and address of parent or legal guardian.

Acceptable documents include:

  • Executed Lease Agreement

  • Deed

  • Mortgage statement

  • If the above are not available, acceptable documentation includes: pay stub, income tax form, utility or other bills, membership documents based upon residency (e.g. library cards), voter registration documents, official driver’s license, learner’s permit, or non-driver ID, state or other government issued identification or documents issued by federal, state or local agencies.

When residency is questionable, parents will be required to complete an Affidavit of Shared Residence and/or Affidavit of Residence Landlord/Owner Statement. IMPORTANT: All decisions regarding residency are made by the Superintendent of Schools.

Parents of elementary students should be aware that there are transportation buffer or “swing” zones in the school district. If a student resides in a buffer zone, your child will be assigned to another elementary school within the school district based on class enrollment size. You will receive a letter in August outlining your child’s school placement and teacher name.


Once you complete the online pre-registration form, you should receive the following forms in the mail.

These documents should be completed if you cannot provide proof of residency.

Optional documents

If you have difficulty accessing these documents, please contact Brianne Loviza at 518-793-9617.